
Disparate Systems | Disparate Jurisdictions

Disparate Systems

Government agencies utilize multiple technology applications that are disparate and designed to do very different things. Although these systems collect and provide valuable data and information, the fact that they are not designed to communicate out of the box limits the agencies ability to glean the additional information that can help make next level differences in decision making and responses to incidents and events. 

Disparate Jurisdictions

On top of that, being able to share information with neighboring jurisdictions is extremely difficult and expensive due to neighboring agencies having systems from different vendors. Their systems have different workflows and nomenclatures which only adds to the problem. These different environments detract from agencies ability to “see over the horizon” and know what is happening just over their borders. Not to mention limiting their ability to communicate and collaborate with their neighboring agencies on incidents and events that are happening in real time or help with inter-agency initiatives.

This is where TransGlobal saw the problem and developed the StarLight® situational awareness and operations platform to solve it. It is designed to help agencies become more efficient and effective by aggregating their internal systems into one common platform. StarLight® enables agencies these enhancements, in their own right, by aggregating all of their systems into one common operating view allowing access to their real time critical information for the people who need, when they need it, and where they need it. 

The StarLight® platform also provides agencies the ability to visualize, in real time, regional incident information with their neighboring jurisdictions through a single common operating view. StarLight® then allows neighboring agencies the ability to share and view their critical incidents, events, persons and places of interest with each other to greatly enhance their delivery of services.